

I worked on overhauling and adding features to the V-Spot website for V-Day International. V-Day is an international non-profit devoted to stopping violence and sexual assault directed towards women and girls. They oversee productions of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues and other works.

The V-Spot is a Ruby on Rails based web application using Twitter Bootstrap which serves as a hub for people who are putting on productions of Ensler's works. Users can apply for permission to do productions, do follow up reports on those productions, find information on other groups doing productions in their area, and other similar activities.

I was responsible for amongst other things.

  • Enhancing usability for site and production administrators
  • Enhancing searchability of production materials and application elements such as users and groups
  • Integrating the V-Spot with V-Day's Facebook group using Facebook's Graph API.

District Management Group

My current employer. Our mission is Helping Schools and Students Thrive. The company provides consulting and solutions to '...leverage proven management techniques and education best practices to raise student outcomes'.

My work here involves development of web based applications which are used by both our consultants and the school districts we serve. Our primary technologies are Ruby on Rails and Ember.

Some highlights for me so far at DMGroup are:

  • Adding Google Calendar integration to one of our applications
  • Refactoring and remodeling our User model to better match the needs and realities of our users.
  • Updating one of our mature applications from Rails 3 to Rails 4 singlehandedly.